
29 April 2015

Ree Made May 2015

It's almost May! You know what that means...

Last year was my first Me Made May, and I was very glad I joined in (for lots of reasons). Back then I had a smaller handmade wardrobe and still managed to wear me-made four days a week. Looking back this was a bit of a stretch, but obviously do-able (I did it!), so I needed to give myself a greater challenge this year that was still going to be achievable.

My handmade wardrobe HAS grown since last year, but has not doubled by any stretch of the imagination, so I don't feel I can do me-made every day for the whole of May yet. Plus I am still frantically sewing my wedding dress (less than 8 weeks to go! The dress is almost there but taking
longer than expected!), which means that for the past few months I haven't really been sewing ANYTHING else. So I can't count on new makes to add in during May.

SO, I decided that this should be my pledge:

I, Marie from, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear me-made garments on at least 20 days of May 2015. 

In terms of a round up, I did feel that last year my weekly posts were a bit excessive, so this year I am just going to do one round-up post at the end of May. I will photograph my outfit each day, but will be content with mirror selfies if need be! I'm not picky!

One of my favourite outfits from MMM'14. Not going to lie, this outfit will probably happen again in MMM'15

Read about Me Made May and sign up here.

Right, here we go! Who else is joining in?