
15 June 2014

The Late Dress

Hello! Long time no post, eh? I finally finished this, my latest version of the Emery dress, last night.

The Late dress (Christine Haynes Emery)
It sat for weeks waiting to be hemmed and for the sleeves to be hemmed. And before that it sat for weeks waiting for the sleeves to be set in. It's silly, but the reason I kept putting off finishing it because I was petulant. I was practically sulking about the dress like a kid. Told you it was silly.

You see, in my quest for perfect fit, I did yet more alterations following the Queue dress. Mainly in that I reversed my huge scoop out of the armscyes, and took some excess out of the centre front, plus took the centre back in slightly. Turns out I over adjusted and it's a bit tight across the bust. I was so grumpy when I discovered this. I had measured and measured again, done ANOTHER muslin... and somehow it still didn't fit how it should. I went with it though, because sometimes I'm a lazy seamstress and can't be bothered to start again.

The consolation is that this is super cheap polycotton, not an expensive or precious fabric.

The collar
What with the fabric and colour choice, plus my decision to make the collared version, and the skirt with little box pleats, I started to get the feeling that I looked like I worked in a 1950s Laundromat. Or was wearing a school uniform or something. It felt a little utilitarian. Nothing wrong with that, it just didn't look as glam or effortlessly cool as I had imagined it would. Ah well.

Me pleats
But then something strange happened. I finished it, put it on, and liked it! Really, really liked it! I wore it today to do lovely Sunday today things like go to the library, cook a nice lunch, play with the cat, do a bit of sewing and go to the pub in the evening. Oh, and we booked our wedding reception! Eep!

All day I loved wearing my dress. To start with I was a bit paranoid about the school-uniformy-ness and kept surprising myself by catching my reflection and thinking "ah, nice dress!.

I'm glad I fell in love with it in the end, and even gladder that I finished it rather than binned it before it was done (I have a "no UFO" rule, and I'm determined never to go back to having a massive box full of unfinished stuff!).

I'm already out of my sewing slump though, and I'm onto the next project. Watch this space!

5 June 2014

Final Me-Made May Post & Round-up

Thursday 29th May

Dress: me-made, the Queue dress
Leggings: H&M
Belt: vintage
Cardigan: TK Maxx

The last me-made outfit of May. I enjoyed wearing this and got lots of compliments on the fit. Hooray!

I'm so glad I took part in Me-Made May. Despite having a very small handmade wardrobe (for the moment), it really gave me an insight into which of my me-made clothes work best, and what I need more of. Here are my reflections.

Best in Show

The most worn, and in fact my favourite me-made garment to date was (fanfare):
The Rock Around the Clock dress! I wore it three times, and loved wearing it. 

Worst in Show

The now-binned Ancient Mariner dress was brutally culled from my wardrobe, and I'd like to thank Me-Made May for making me so ruthless. Since I made it I have worn it simply because I made it, and although I like elements of it, I always feel horrible in it. So it has gone! 

Selfie Reflections

I think I'm in the minority here but I really didn't mind taking a picture of my outfit on my four me-made days a week. It made me style outfits more consciously, because somehow looking at a picture of your reflection is different to just looking at your reflection. I don't know why, it's odd, but for me it definitely helped.

What to Make Now?

I made sure that on my non me-made days I took note of what I wore. The RTW items that I would really like to replace in my wardrobe are:
- jersey skater dress 
- jersey cardigans of lots of varieties
- leggings
- stretch cotton summery cut-off pants in a fun print

One of my favourite outfits in terms of styling was this one right at the beginning of May:

I love this blouse, and really have been meaning to make more. This one is not much longer for this world! I can only wear it tucked in to high waisted skirts because there is a big hole in one of the seams! It was pre-overlocker and my seam allowance finishing wasn't up to the amount of love, wearing and washing this top has had. I need to make more of these.

This outfit leads me on to one of my other goals: make more separates. They're very practical and somehow more casual than dresses. I love being able to mix and match so I hope to be whipping up some separates in the near future!

And finally...

It seems I really like polka dots. More polka dot stuff coming soon!